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tai chi for osteoporosis and fibromyalgia?

tai chi for osteoporosis and fibromyalgia?

Dear friends,

Many people are aware that Tai Chi can improve balance, build strength, and boost immunity. But, did you also know it can help with conditions like osteoporosis and fibromyalgia?

A 2018 research study concluded that Tai Chi is beneficial to bone mineral density (BMD) and may be a cost-effective and preventive measure of osteoporosis. (BMD measurements are used to diagnose osteoporosis).

Read the full study in the Journal of Orthopedic Translation

John answers the question, “What is Tai Chi?”

Fibromyalgia too? The current most commonly prescribed non-drug treatment for fibromyalgia is aerobic exercise. In 2018, Tufts University researchers concluded that Tai Chi results in similar or greater improvement in symptoms than aerobic exercise for patients with fibromyalgia.

Study: Effect Of Tai Chi Versus Aerobic Exercise For Fibromyalgia: Comparative Effectiveness Randomized Controlled Trial

“When I joined White Magnolia I was suffering from severe lower back pain. The many classes in both restorative Tai Chi and beginners Tai Chi enabled my back to heal and greatly reduced my need for both prescription and non-prescription pain killers.” – Grateful student

tai chi in practiceTake care of yourself by putting yourself first today.
Contact us for you free trial week of classes to see if Tai Chi and Chi Kung are a good fit for you.

Clinic and school phone: (510) 570-8195


John Luna-Sparks:

Dr. Zoe Linton:

Jacquie Byatt, Administrative Assistant:

We offer classes Monday through Saturday

If you’d like to find out what White Magnolia can do for you, book your appointment today to get a full Chinese medicine respiratory health assessment.

How a Swimmer Resolved Shoulder Pain Without Drugs and Surgery

woman receiving acupuncture to back and neck


Dear friends,

A patient overcame shoulder pain after worrying that her swimming days were over. After many unsuccessful interventions, she tried sports acupuncture at White Magnolia Acupuncture and Tai Chi. Hear her story below (taped last Feb, pre-COVID).

Is shoulder pain keeping you from working out or calling too much of your attention to it? Many patients call saying they’ve tried so many different approaches that just didn’t work. White Magnolia Acupuncture and Tai Chi addresses what’s missing from most medical interventions by getting to the root cause of the pain.

If shoulder pain is keeping you from living your full life, make an appointment todayfor a sports acupuncture assessment & treatment. Let’s see how we can get you back to your top performance.

John & Jacquie

You mean Chinese medicine isn’t just for pain?

Woman looking at her phone in a dark room


Dear friends,

I like getting the question, “You mean Chinese medicine isn’t just for aches and pains?”

It was around 2008 and I hadn’t yet studied acupuncture.  I was feeling depressed and discouraged, thinking I’d never regain full use of my body after a severe neck injury.  Our son was about 9 years-old.  I had to limit my activities and felt I couldn’t be the father I always wanted to be.

An acupuncturist told me she could help.  With acupuncture, a Chinese herbal formula and some diet changes, the cloud of depression lifted and, in consultation with my doctor, I was also able to stop taking an antidepressant.

And, I’m excited to share my experiences as an acupuncturist and herbalist today at Alta Bates Summit Medical Center’s Psychiatry Grand Rounds.  I’ll be speaking with psychiatrists, psychologists and other mental health providers on “Improving Mental Health Outcomes with Traditional Chinese Medicine as a Complementary Intervention.”

Book an appointment today and find out how Chinese medicine can help provide long-lasting relief from depression and anxious thoughts by getting to the root of the problem.  And, live YOUR full life!

Is asthma holding you back?

Is asthma holding you back?

Dear friends,

woman with hands over her windpipeDo you or someone you know have asthma? Does it keep you from doing things other people can do? Are you not able to exercise as much as you’d like?

In the fall season, we typically see more patients complaining of worsening asthma and other breathing problems.

Hear Zoe and John talk about their own journeys with asthma and the White Magnolia “5 branches of Chinese Medicine” treatment approach.

Patient testimonial: “Skilled, caring, and extremely knowledgeable. I went for help with asthma and allergies and I can’t believe how much better I feel after just a few visits. This is my first experience with traditional Chinese medicine. I’m definitely a convert.” – Susan R.

If you’d like to find out what White Magnolia can do for you, book your appointment today to get a full Chinese medicine respiratory health assessment.

60 seconds to better posture!

60 seconds to better posture!

Dear friends,

man hunched over looking at his phoneWe spend so much time these days focusing down: whether it’s time spent on our phones or looking at a laptop, it’s easy over time to start to round our shoulders, bend our necks and hunch forward. But what’s happening when we do so?

Enter the rhomboids:

  • a muscle group located on your upper back that pulls your shoulders back towards your spine
  • made up of the rhomboid minor and the rhomboid major

detailed view of rhomboid muscle group






When we consistently sit with a rounded or hunched posture, we form “muscle habits.” The rhomboids are postural muscles that over time get tight and short and lose their strength to keep us upright. Over time this can lead to a hunched posture that is more difficult to correct, neck pain, headaches or even cervical disc problems.

Here’s where we can help: during our sports medicine assessment we will check your posture, the rhomboids and the surrounding structures before using acupuncture to relax and activate those muscles that have been impacted by too much sitting.

In the meantime, check with your doctor first and try this easy 1 minute exercise to activate the rhomboids, open the chest muscles, and help improve your posture!

If you need any extra help, we’re always just an email or a phone call away. Book your next appointment today to get a full shoulder posture assessment. And be sure to keep an eye out for part two: the pectoralis muscles!

Dr. Zoe Linton

510-570-8195 Directions Contact/Schedule